Apache Spark: Approaches to Debug and Improve Performance

Dinesh Shankar
6 min readDec 29, 2022


Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash


Apache Spark is a fast, in-memory data processing engine with support for batch and stream processing. It is designed to be scalable and flexible, allowing you to run large-scale data processing applications on a cluster of machines.

Even though spark can handle large scale data processing, there are instances where spark job error out with memory issues. Here are some of common errors in spark jobs.

Common errors in Spark

  1. Insufficient memory: OOM errors can occur if Spark is attempting to process a dataset that is larger than the available memory on the worker nodes. This can be caused by a large input dataset or by complex transformations that require a lot of memory to execute.
  2. Memory leaks: OOM errors can also occur if there are memory leaks in the Spark application, where memory is allocated but not released properly. This can cause the amount of available memory to gradually decrease over time, eventually leading to an OOM error.
  3. Incorrect configuration: Spark applications can also encounter OOM errors if they are not configured correctly. For example, if the memory allocation for the Spark executors or driver is set too low, it may not be enough to process the data.
  4. Resource contention: OOM errors can also occur if there is contention for resources on the worker nodes, such as CPU or disk IO, which can cause Spark to run out of memory while waiting for these resources to become available.

Approaches to Debug and Improve the Spark Jobs

To troubleshoot errors in Spark, it is important to first identify the root cause of the issue and then implement appropriate measures to address it, such as increasing the memory allocation, optimizing the Spark job to use less memory, or identifying and fixing any memory leaks.

1. Proper resource allocation:

Allocating the right amount of resources, such as memory and CPU, to Spark can help to ensure that the application has enough resources to process the data efficiently. You can use the spark.executor.memory and spark.executor.cores configurations to control the resource allocation for Spark executors.

2. Data partitioning:

Data partitioning in Spark is the process of dividing a large dataset into smaller partitions that can be processed in parallel, improving the performance and scalability of Spark jobs.

Partitioning the data correctly can help to ensure that the data is evenly distributed across the worker nodes, which can improve the performance of Spark operations that involve shuffling data between nodes, such as joins and aggregations.

Here are the different partition types in spark.

  1. Hash partitioning: Hash partitioning is a technique that uses a hash function to determine which partition a record should be assigned to. This ensures that records with the same hash value are assigned to the same partition. Hash partitioning is useful for distributing records evenly across partitions and for ensuring that records are consistently assigned to the same partition.
  2. Range partitioning: Range partitioning is a technique that assigns records to partitions based on the values of certain key fields. This can be useful for ensuring that records with similar key values are assigned to the same partition, which can improve the performance of queries and aggregations that filter or group by those key values.
  3. Custom partitioning: Custom partitioning is a technique that allows users to define their own partitioning function, enabling them to specify how records should be assigned to partitions. This can be useful for implementing more complex partitioning schemes that are not possible with hash or range partitioning.

3. Data persistence:

Persisting data in memory can help to improve the performance of Spark applications by avoiding the overhead of reading data from disk repeatedly. You can use the cache() and persist() functions to store data in memory, and the unpersist() function to remove data from memory when it is no longer needed.

Spark offers a range of storage levels to choose from, including:

  • MEMORY_ONLY: Data is stored in memory, but not persisted to disk. This is the fastest storage level, but it is also the most expensive in terms of memory usage.
  • MEMORY_AND_DISK: Data is stored in memory, but if the amount of data exceeds the available memory, it is spilled to disk. This storage level provides a good balance between performance and cost, as it allows you to use memory as a cache while still being able to store large amounts of data on disk.
  • DISK_ONLY: Data is only stored on disk, and is not kept in memory. This is the slowest storage level, as data must be read from disk every time it is accessed. However, it is the most cost-effective in terms of memory usage.
  • MEMORY_ONLY_SER: Data is stored in memory in a serialized form, which takes up less space than the raw data but is slower to access. This storage level is useful when you need to store large amounts of data in memory but don't have enough space to store it in its raw form.
  • MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER: Data is stored in memory in a serialized form, and if the amount of data exceeds the available memory, it is spilled to disk in serialized form. This storage level is similar to MEMORY_AND_DISK, but uses less memory at the cost of slower access.

4. Data skew:

Data skew, where some partitions of a dataset are significantly larger than others, can cause performance bottlenecks in Spark. To address this issue, you can use techniques such as data sampling, data rebalancing, or custom partitioning to evenly distribute the data across the worker nodes.

I’ve created a separate post on data skew here.

5.Optimizing Spark SQL:

You can use techniques such as predicate pushdown, column pruning, and partition pruning to optimize the performance of Spark SQL queries. You can also use the EXPLAIN command to get a detailed breakdown of the query execution plan and identify any potential optimization opportunities.

  1. Data Filtering — Filter data as early as possible
  2. Data Distribution — Evenly distributing the data across all nodes
  3. Join Order — Order in which tables are joined
  4. Join Type — Use the correct join type for the usecase. Sort Merge, Hash and Broadcast. Sort Merge is default.
  5. Avoid Cartesian joins
  6. Avoid Order By wherever possible
  7. Use Efficient functions, data structures

Important Spark Configurations

  • spark.driver.memory: This configuration specifies the amount of memory that the driver process should use. It is important to set this value appropriately, as it can impact the performance of your Spark application.
  • spark.executor.memory: This configuration specifies the amount of memory that each executor should use. It is important to set this value appropriately, as it can impact the performance of your Spark application.
  • spark.executor.cores: This configuration specifies the number of cores that each executor should use. By increasing the number of cores, you can improve the parallelism of your Spark application.
  • spark.sql.shuffle.partitions: This configuration specifies the number of partitions to use when shuffling data in Spark SQL queries. Increasing this value can allow Spark to process data faster, but it can also increase the memory and CPU usage of the application.
  • spark.default.parallelism: This configuration specifies the default level of parallelism that should be used when running Spark operations. It can be used to control the number of tasks that are created by Spark, and it can be set based on the number of cores and the size of the data that you are working with.
  • spark.serializer: This configuration specifies the serialization library that should be used to serialize data for storage and transmission. The default serialization library is Java serialization, but you can also use other libraries, such as Kryo serialization, which can be faster and more efficient in some cases.
  • spark.shuffle.service.enabled: This configuration specifies whether the shuffle service, which is used to manage data shuffles, should be enabled. Enabling the shuffle service can improve the performance of your Spark application by reducing the amount of network traffic
  • spark.memory.fraction: This configuration specifies the fraction of the available memory that should be used for execution and storage in Spark. It is expressed as a decimal value between 0 and 1, and it can be used to control the balance between execution and storage in Spark


Apache spark can handle large scale data effectively as long as the configurations and resources handled in the right way. Small changes can make big differences.

Thanks for reading!

